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"The old has gone, the new is here!": Church renovation

Over the summer of 2021, as churches were beginning to meet in person again, and the era of Zoom meetings was coming to a gradual end, we decided that our beloved Church building was in need of a new lease of life!

Having played host to countless church meetings, birthday parties, weddings, funerals, coffee mornings, ukulele practices, Christmas fun days (and more!), it's no wonder that our building needed a little TLC.

So, with a small, but very enthusiastic group of individuals, we took to work!

The dizzying heights of the church ceiling were the first port of call. The rather squeaky scaffolding was not for the faint-hearted! But thanks to some fearless volunteers, we managed to give the ceiling a well-needed scrub and a paint.

Next, we decided to tackle the giant back wall, peeling back the wood effect boards to reveal some very fetching, retro lime-green paint.

The Grinch-themed colour scheme was not quite what we were after, so armed with enough Dulux to paint the Sistine Chapel, we carefully covered the green with a very soothing light grey. Ahhh!

The side walls also got the same treatment!

After a huge clear-up job, a good hoover, and a well-earned cuppa (or two), we pulled back the well-worn, blue carpets and waited for the new ones to arrive. And here is the final result!

Thanks to the hard graft of our volunteers, our building is now even more of a beautiful, calming and welcoming place to meet! What a transformation.

And we can't fail to mention the beautiful work of Bill who is a long-standing member of the church. He crafted this beautiful cross for the back wall, that is the centre-piece of the room, and reminds us of why we meet together!

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