Ukulele Group:
Strings and things
Our newest and most eclectic group!
Meet at 10:30 on Thursday mornings.
You can be assured that this is a very informal group. Feel free to just turn up!
All ages and all levels from "might be interested in learning" to "here let me show you how" are welcome.
Open Mic
First Thursday in the Month 7:30-10:00pm.
If you can play an instrument or sing, then why not come and join us for evening music and song. ​
And if you can't play or sing, then why not just come and listen.
Refreshments available.
We are committed to connecting and building relationships with our community through our regular events :
The Bread Butter Things (Food bank)
Friday Coffee Club
Children and Youth groups - Babies Plus Shine - Sparks - Recharge.
​Music Events - Strings and Things - Open Mic once a month.
Seasonal events : ​
Christmas Party
Pancake Party - Pancake games, eating, tossing and decorating and more.
Easter events